Happy New Year!

Christmas has passed and now we patiently wait for the new year. All the noise bubbles up telling us how to reinvent ourselves for the new year. The gym memberships, the diet plans, the fast track to the new you, it’s all just noise. Instead I challenge you with something different. 

Find more moments of quiet. Moments to slow down. Reflect on what the year has given you and maybe even what you lost. Life can pass us by so quickly and the arrival of a new year always reminds me of that. 

So, I accept my own challenge. I want to sit down and be thankful for another year. I want to move toward this new year with an appreciation for the last. For every moment that filled it and for all it taught me. There’s no need to reinvent, just make space to grow.

Happy New Year to All!

One thought on “Happy New Year!

  1. Sheila says:

    Happy New Year, Prince Eric! Thank you for sharing your words and for being my friend. I am thankful for you and look forward to another great year of sharing music and dance!


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